Shri Sai Baba is the God incarnate who graced the mortal world to dispel the internalized demonic qualities of humans, a characteristic of the Kaliyug.
With origins and identity untraceable, Sai Baba was found as an adolescent meditating under a Neem tree near Shirdi, Maharashtra. At a young age, HE displayed wisdom and qualities of a renowned Brahman and left the residents of Shirdi spellbound. After 3 more years of penance Baba mysteriously disappeared and reappeared at Nizam state a few years later and reentered Shirdi with Chand Patil’s marriage procession.
The name Sai Baba was bestowed by Mahalsapathi who spontaneously uttered ‘Aao Sai’ upon first sight of Baba thus rendering nameless Sai Baba as “Mother” and “Father”. Baba made the masjid (Dwarakamai) in Shirdi His abode until 1918 when he took Maha Samadhi and left his mortal body.
During His time in this mortal world, Baba had displayed unprecedented powers, left us with many miracles (such as granting of wishes, the healing of the sick, lighting Diyas with water, creating the fire from nowhere by simply hitting His satka (stick) on the ground, had all the eight major siddhis (celestial powers) at his command,..) and fruits of wisdom indicating His divinity. Despite being Parabrahma, Baba led a very simple life in Shirdi to teach us what aspects make a good human being. Sai Baba’s love for His devotees was boundless. His omnipresent and omniscient nature always shocked those around Him. In fact, Baba used to beg for food and Alms to rid us of the daily sins we commit and once put His hands in burning fire to rescue a baby whose mother dropped in the fire. His favorite sayings to devotees were: "Look to me, and I shall look to you" and Allah tera bhala karega (translation: God will bless you).
An outstanding aspect of Sai Baba is that he is beyond distinctions of religion, caste or creed. Though He had a human body, His deeds testified to HIS Godhood.
Supreme Brahman (the supreme being or the ultimate or absolute reality) who is formless, shapeless, genderless, One & Only, eternal, infinite, invincible, undifferentiated, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Immanent, form of divine light, attributeless, and quality-less aspect of the Universe. The state of creation is rhythmic. The Unmanifest and is experienced as the emptiness of the Universe. The Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma (“that which never changes,”-“knowledge,” & “infinity”). Para Brahman pervades Anda, Pinda and Brahmanda (terrestrial, celestial and cosmic planes).
When duties are neglected, spiritual wisdom is disregarded, iniquity increases, dharma falls in society leading to the rise of adharma, predominant rise of irreligion and conflicts arise, then, Almighty “Parabrahma” (supreme being) descends or manifest Himself/Herself in age after age, takes various incarnations to realign humanity with virtue and illuminate the path of righteousness, for the protection of the virtuous, the destruction of the vicious or to destroy the wicked, for the establishment of righteousness, and to uplift dharma.
The ascent of Lord Sai Baba’s origins and identity are untraceable lending to his Almighty (Parabrahma), omnipresent and omniscient form, furthering His preachings of all organisms being a reflection of “HIM '' and thus one. Lord Sai’s control over 5 elements (Pancha Bhootas - Air, Fire, earth, water & space) of nature proves that HE is the Supreme Being (the ultimate power or energy that runs the whole world & Universe).
The Almighty Shri Sai Baba (Sat Chit Ananda Swarup) is Omnipresent, the supreme energy /power which can manifest anywhere and anytime. Leader of Akhilanda Koti Brahmanda, God of Gods, Trinity Avatar, All forms of deity (Sakala Devata Swaroop), Yogishwar, Ocean of Mercy, Kalpa Vriksha (age tree', Kalpavṛkṣa- is a wish-fulfilling divine tree) who fulfills the wishes of devotees. Shri Sai Baba is a living God who walked on earth. He is the Karta, Karma & Kriya.
Shirdi Sai Baba is Parabrahma incarnate who assumed a mortal life to redirect a divided and bitter mankind that humanity is above all. In an era of Kaliyug (today’s world) where selfishness became paramount, Sai Baba preached service and charity to all living organisms without expecting rewards or recognition in return. When given an opportunity of cognition and self determination through a human birth, Baba advises us to serve Him by serving others (Service to Humanity is Service to GOD). We must realize to respect and cherish each other and all other life forms, as “Sai Parabrahma” is found in each essence of the universe.
In addition, Baba reminds us that enlightenment is rooted in understanding and overcoming the illusions of the mortal world such as lust, greed, selfishness, anger, and fear. To overcome this human ignorance, HE guides and teaches us as a “Sadguru” to obtain inner peace and knowledge.
Baba also advocated how all religions and humans are created as one, therefore prohibited discrimination of any form. His untraceable origins paired with residence in a masjid, common phrase “Allah Malik,” started sacred Dhuni (the holy fire lit by Baba still burning) in Masjid, lighting Diyas, permitted the sandal procession of the Mahomedans and grand celebration of Ram Navami etc.. Sai Baba knew all Yogic Practices. He was well-versed in the six processes including Dhauti (Stomach-cleaning by a moistened piece of linen 3" in breadth and 22 1/2" in length), Khanda Yoga (i.e., separating His limbs and joining them again), and Samadhi, etc. Sai Baba stressed the importance of surrender to the true satguru, who, having trodden the path to divine consciousness, can lead the disciple through the jungle of spiritual growth.
One does not need to religiously visit temples, rather worship Sadguru with Shraddha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience). Whoever holds utmost faith, devotion, and love whilst chanting HIS (lord Sai Parabrahma) name they have HIS divine blessings. Shri Sai implores us to shed our human fears and dedicate our life in His Seva as He will be our ever protector.
Thus Sai Baba preached the importance of "realization of the self" and criticized "love towards perishable things". He had distributed the Udi (vibhuti or sacred ash which has miraculous and curative powers) to devotees to cure their diseases and fulfill wishes. Philosophically, Baba wished to convey that worldly things and objects will be finally reduced to ash that remains permanent in nature. Sai encouraged oblation of ego and advised to mitigate desires and wants, thus cleansing a human being. His teachings concentrated on a moral code of love, forgiveness, helping others, charity, contentment, inner peace, and devotion to God and Guru.